Customer Service
Requirements to Obtain Water and/or Sewer Services
New Projects
Developer’s Fees - After final endorsement from PDMU, a hook up fee per unit is required from developers before commencing the construction of a new project (see “Rate Schedule”).
Opening an Account for a New Property
Water and/or Sewer Application – the Application for Water and/or Sewer Service should be filled by the applicant/subscriber or by a representative authorized in writing by the owner before the water and/or sewer service is installed (see “Application for Water and/or Sewer Service”). Real Estate Agents managing new owner´s registration must make sure to submit all properly identified documentation such as service application, deeds, payment of deposit, debt payment, etc. in order to provide the service required.
Deposit – the amount of deposit depends on meter size and service required (see “Rate Schedule”).
Tap-In Fee – the amount of Tap-In Fee depends on service required (see “Rate Schedule”).
Use Permit and Sales Deed – use permit is required before any new service installation. A simple copy of the Sales Deed, duly signed by the parties and with attorney´s stamp, is required as proof of ownership.
Change of Ownership
Water and/or Sewer Application – a new owner of an existing property will be a subscriber when the “Application for Water and/or Sewer Service” is completed by the applicant or the properly authorized representative (see “Application for Water and/or Sewer Service”).
Deposit – the amount of deposit depends on meter size and service required (see “Rate Schedule”).
Deposit Transfers
From one subscriber to a new subscriber;
From one property to another property;
To a new property;
To an existing account;
For all of the above a written authorization is required.
Sales Deed – a simple copy of the Sales Deed, duly signed by the parties and with attorney´s stamp, is required as proof of ownership.
Certificate of Debt - it is important that during the process of any purchase-sale or rental of a property within our community, that the new buyer or his representative request a certificate of indebtedness and make arrangements for its payment prior to the closing of the sale or rental of the unit.
Property Under Rental
No deposit for service is required from tenants. Property’s owner maintains full responsibility over the account balance. A copy of the lease contract or a written authorization from the owner is required for tenants to receive bills in their names and address.
Service Discontinuance
By the Property Owner:
A written request by the property owner is required.
Service may be temporarily disconnected, but the subscriber will continue receiving the monthly service availability charge.
When a property owner requests a permanent disconnection of service, PDMU will permanently disconnect the water service to the unit, removing the meter and stop invoicing the service availability charge effective as of the next billing cycle.
A permanent disconnection shall mean that the unit is disconnected from the system for a period of 13 months or more. If the property owner desires to reconnect prior to the expiration of the 13-month period, it will be required to pay the service availability charge for the entire period of disconnection and the $200 reconnection fee to reinstall the water meter. After the expiration of the 13-month period, it will be required to pay $200.00 as reconnection fee to reinstall the water meter.
PDMU will temporarily disconnect the water service to accounts with more than 15 days overdue. A written shut-off notice is sent 15 days prior to the discontinuance of the service. The service availability charge will continue to accrue each month for a maximum of 13 months. For temporary suspensions due to lack of timely payments, PDMU shall charge a $50.00 fee for having to send personnel to close and open valves.
After 13 months of temporary suspension of service, a permanent disconnection will be in effect, the water meter will be removed and the monthly service availability charge will be discontinued.
PDMU shall charge the $200.00 reconnection fee when the service is interrupted permanently and the meter must be reinstalled.
Billing Information
Billing Period – the billing period for any month covers from the previous reading date to the actual reading date.
Billing Date – the billing date is the date in which the bills are presented (mailed). Usually, bills are presented to customers within the first 12 days of the next month of the billing period.
Due Date – the current billing is due after 20 days from presentation date (mail date).
Penalties – subscribers will pay interest equal to 1% per month, until full payment, on balance owed over one billing period.
E-billing – your bill notification can be delivered via an e-mail; thus, the subscribers have the ability to examine their bills before making a payment, see “Application for E-Billing” form.
Payments Information
PDMU encourages our customers to use electronics means to manage your accounts. Now, PDMU offers a variety of convenient payment options to help you pay your bills quicker and easier. Our billing website has been updated, now you can access invoices from previous months and make payments.
New site:
To access your account, you must register on the new site using the following information.
Book Number
Account Number
Service Address (Your service address is below your Account Number in your mailed bill, and must be written as it appears. If you receive your bills by E-Bill Notification your service address is included, just omit Humacao.)
Email Address on our system.
AutoPay – this service allows you to pay your bills with automatic debits from your bank account (savings or checking accounts only). With AutoPay, you will not have to remember to pay your bill. There are no service fees for the service. Please see “Application for Automatic Bill Payment” form for additional information.
Other Payment Method:
Along with paying online, PDMU offers other alternatives for payments:
By Phone: in order to pay by phone, please call at 787-285-0202. Service is available only Monday thru Friday, from 8:15 am to 4:45 pm.
In-Person: PDMU office is available for payments, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:45 pm. An external mailbox is available for check payments only.
Mail: for your convenience a pre-addressed envelope is included with all bills sent by mail. (do not forget to stamp it when returning it.)
At PDM Utility Corp. we are committed to providing excellent service to our clients throughout the Palmas del Mar Community. It is for this reason that we strive continuously, in order to maintain a standard of excellence in the quality of services and operations that we offer on a daily basis.
Once more, it is in our best interest, to satisfy the needs of our clients as soon as possible. With this in mind, we have committed ourselves to guarantee our services, in a 24 hours period, from the date and time that you have requested such.
* Said service guarantee will be provided during our normal business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.