Our Company
Company Overview
PDM Utility Corp. (PDMU) is an independent, not-for-profit corporation that emerged in the 1970s for the purpose of developing the necessary infrastructure for the Palmas del Mar Resort. PDMU was granted a Franchise by the Public Service Commission in 1974 to operate an aqueduct and sanitary sewer system for the total development of the 2,800 acres that make up what is now Palmas del Mar. PDMU serves a combined community that includes recreational, tourist and residential units (about 3,400 units), hotels, docks, a tennis court complex, two golf courses, a school, about 20 restaurants and an equestrian center, among other amenities. PDMU operates two main systems: a potable water distribution system that receives drinking water from the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA); and a wastewater treatment plant with 5 pumping stations that collect and transport all effluents from all properties and activities within Palmas del Mar to the treatment plant.
Awards and Acknowledgements
1994 - The Most Outstanding Engineering Project of the Year - College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico.
1995 - Contribution to the Environment and Quality of Life - Legislative Resolution House of Representatives and Senate of Puerto Rico.
Certificate of Recognition - Municipality of Humacao
2004 - Nomination of the WWTP for recognition by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for its role in the recycling of its intakes and conservation of the environment.
​2007 Environmental Innovation Award - Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association